A color family is a group of colors which is used when creating color filters, color swatch or when design custom product grid. In this article, we'll be going over all color family-related actions handled by Sparq.
After installing Sparq,
Go to Apps in your Admin Dashboard > Select Sparq Search and Filters.
Navigate to Theme dropdown > General settings > Color Families.
Click on the edit icon (under actions).
How to add colors to your color family?
Clicking the edit icon navigates you to your default color family. You can also edit and choose a unique name for your color family by clicking on the text box
To add colors, click on the add colors button as highlighted above.
Pick if you want to add a single color or a dual color, fill in the fields and click on "Add".
https://htmlcolorcodes.com is a great resource to look up the color code/ hex code.
Single color: If you want to filter the products off of one color
Eg: Filters products that are Blue in color.
Dual color: If you want to filter the products off of multi-colors. i.e. a primary and secondary color.
Eg: Filters products that are black in color but also have a hint of white.
Note: The colors will only be be reflected on the filters tab, if you store contains the products with that specific color. Eg: If want to add a Blue color to the filter, make sure the products of color Blue are present in your inventory.
Merge colors: Add the color names to the text box in lower case and separated by a comma (,). Also make sure to add dual colors with a hyphen.
Note: Avoid any spaces between the color names.
How to add a color family?
Start by clicking on the "Add Color Group" to add a new color group.
Enter the color family name and add colors as explained above - https://help.sparq.ai/en/articles/5212966-how-to-add-and-edit-color-families-color-filters-for-your-store#h_1279362269
Once you're done adding all your required colors, click "Save".
Update, edit and play out with the colors and let us know how you like this feature. Sparq team really appreciates your feedback to improve its services. If you have any suggestions, feel free to request custom features for your store. For any support, you can reach out to us using the in-app-chat feature or email us at [email protected]